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Life at The Maples

What’s it like to live here?

At The Maples we offer a welcoming and safe environment where you’re among people you love and trust. We live by the ethos of ‘Ohana’ meaning extended family. It is a word that encapsulates what we believe: that your world should be shared with people you can live with, laugh with, and love.


Your way, every day

Supporting you to enjoy a fulfilling life

Helping you live the life you want is what drives us. Whether it be visiting a funfair, jumping on a trampoline or simply having a drink in the local pub, we like to know what you enjoy doing the most.  We will listen to your wishes and do all we can to make it happen.


Variety of activities

The activities we offer are tailored to what the people who live in the home want to do.

Wine tasting, cocktail evenings, afternoon shopping and ladies and men’s nights out are perennial favourites. You’ll also find a ‘Magic Table’, cleverly designed to help people create amazing art, play games and enjoy themselves regardless of physical abilities.

Our Wii games are a popular choice too as they allow everyone, whether you’re a wheelchair use or marathon runner, to compete on a level playing field.  We guarantee to have an activity for every taste.


Everyone is welcome

The Maples, like all our Bracebridge Care homes, has been designed with you and your requirements in mind.  We have created spaces for you to enjoy time with your friends, family and loved ones.

Whether you have one visitor or an extended group, our home is designed to accommodate every wish. You might enjoy walking with loved ones in our beautiful gardens or prefer a cup of tea in the comfortable lounge area – whatever your preference there, we have the amenities for you.

We have even thought about things to occupy our youngest visitors too; the toy boxes in the café are a particular favourite with visiting grandchildren. At The Maples there is something for everyone.


Overview of The Maples

Our philosophy is simple: Your way, every day and to make this a reality, we offer you a number of features to help you enjoy your life to the full.  The Maples is a small but perfectly formed home in the heart of the community.


Our rooms

  • 70 stunning bedrooms, designed for dignity and support
  • En-suite shower rooms
  • Spa bathrooms which can be used by everyone, offering peace and relaxation

Communal spaces

  • Lovely garden to walk and rest, including support for sensory enjoyment
  • Fantastic activities space, where people can cook and bake

Serving the community

  • Links with local community to ensure engagement and activity
  • Choir made up of the people who live and work in the home
  • Resident and Family / Loved one member committee – helping us shape the home into what is needed and wanted

Your Plan of Care and Support

We don’t use the words ‘Care Plans’, we prefer ‘Plan of Care and Support’ as this more accurately describes what you and your carers put in place.

The plan covers all your needs; when you want to be supported; how you would like to be supported and when; your hopes and dreams.

Using the latest technology we can put all this information into a clever App, which you can use on your smart phone or tablet. This way you can always see what’s included in your plan and help manage it to reflect your wishes. To ensure we keep everything and everyone up to speed, we review this with you and your loved ones every month. Of course, if something changes during the month we’ll update your plan accordingly.

Find out more about our specialist care

4-star food and nutrition

Our brilliant chefs design their healthy, balanced menus alongside the people who live in the home.

The results are not only delicious, but they reflect everyone’s differing tastes as well as their health and cultural needs. The fresh ingredients are from ‘field to fork’ suppliers so we know exactly where everything was grown or raised. The team has a lot on its plate, needing to be aware of changes to the older palette such as taste bud deterioration and fortification requirements, as well as having a full understanding of dysphagia and IDDSI guidelines.

Of course, we all deserve a treat every now and then. That’s why afternoon tea and cakes are always popular. Our celebration days, too, such as Diwali, Easter, Christmas and Valentines, are a feast to behold.


Pets in the home

It’s well proven that having a pet about the place is great for your wellbeing.

That’s why each Bracebridge home has one of its own, decided by the people who live there. It could be a small hypoallergenic dog or a cat to sit on your lap or even a parrot to exchange pleasantries with. Whatever the people living in the home collectively decide, that’s what they’ll have.

If you would like to have your own pet with you, we will assess its needs to see if it can be accommodated and cared for in the home. We can’t promise anything but we will listen and consider all requests on a case by case, home by home basis.



Team members join us from surrounding communities, and we make sure that the people working in our homes are as diverse as the areas in which we build.

We work with Stonewall, a Human Rights organisation, as part of their Diversity Champions Programme. This is helping us to create care homes where every single person who lives and works with us is heard, valued, and treated with respect, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, or anything else. It means everyone feels wholly accepted, safe and wanted in our homes.

We use the very best technology to keep you safe, supported and happy. It is an integral part of our homes and is there to enable you and us.

Technology to make life easier

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